10 years u will get your money worth. I’m so close to saying screw it ain’t just buy the darn truck. Then a piece of me saying wait and see t3 price next year
Thanks. So real
it did thank alot i really feel the same way the mach e gt is fast the fake noise i love and its a powerhouse. the car will pass anything on the highway that aint already full throttle. but the truck will be more room in the driver seat and it have the seat tilt function i like...
ok yea def have to make the best decision out of warranty issues can be expensive. i just seen you was contemplating to do what i been in here asking about. bringing negative equity into a new lightning loan. i had a nice blue flash lined up just can justify stacking 10k of debt on this truck...
I want to say thank you all for your thoughtful comments regarding my decision to trade in the Mach-E. I ultimately decided not to go through with the deal and have canceled it for now. After giving it more thought, I realized I don’t need a truck—it’s just a want. My Mach-E is more than capable...
I just did some ABRP routes and to be real the ranges seem the same. My New Orleans to Atlanta route is a 5 minute difference it’s showing with ether car.
I fully agree. I’m already n a 150 charging car. It makes no sense to transfer over to the same charging speed but more car debt and receive lower efficiency. Took a few days but that’s y I been stalling. It was something in my heart I felt I would be very unhappy with and that’s exactly it...
Yea I’ll loose my mind to realize I’m charging more at home and now highway speeds make me stop more. I love ev but not that much yet. Almost even if I was carrying nothing over it may not still be a good fit
Yea I gotta make mind up today for sure. See y nobody speaks of 80-85. I’m never just riding going 70. My Mach e always 80 with blue cruise at a minimum
I really appreciate your response. I’ll wait it out unless the dealer drops the price even more so I can take advantage of additional savings. At this point, I'm ready to walk unless we can get closer to $65k out the door with GAP coverage. I do love the Mach-E, and the Lightning has the same...
i am debating that or transferring my loan to someone else. i aint never said im rich by far but i can afford a darn vehicle i just always want the best deal.
THAT PART!!! also i look at it partially the truck sticker is 71k to start.. i dont get tax credit they still added rebates nto drop truck down and enough to make the whole deal 71 k out door with gap. it seems 24 flashes are selling for 55-60 k right now used. if i did walk out at 70 ill be...