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  1. Anyone else having issues with Sirius XM over the past few days?

    I contacted Ford. They are well aware of issue. They stated they are working on a update to correct the problem. They said it will be coming out in the next few months. Never again!
  2. Power-up 2.1

    I did inquire about the subscription. They stated that when fixed, call back and warranty will extend the subscription for outage.
  3. Power-up 2.1

    I contacted Ford regarding SiriusXM outage following 1.7.1. They stated they are aware of problem and are planning an update in the coming MONTHS to fix it.
  4. 2.1.0 Killed My Connected Vehicle Features

    Turn off auto updates. Seems to be a trend that the OTAs mess things up vice fix.
  5. Power-up 2.1

    Same issue here. 1.7.1 = Broke SiriusXM
  6. Power-up 2.1

    1.7.1 shut down my SiriusXM, it no longer works.
  7. Power-up 2.1

    I’ll testify to that. OTAs have broke my truck vice update. It started as a platinum but working on becoming a Lariat.
  8. Power-up 2.1

    Well Stated. But beware 1.7.1. I lost all SiriusXM functionality following the OTA. I can’t believe Ford deploys these updates to fix “little things here and there” only to screw up your truck. Then leave you without resources to fix it.
  9. Power-up 2.1

    So far all I have had is dissapointment and broken features due to OTAs.
  10. Power-up 2.1

    Curious what this is going to mess up.
  11. Power-up 2.1

    Especially when the update pushed ends up braking features vice fixing them.
  12. SiriusXM Loading issues

    No resolution here. OTA at 0622 AM. Sirius XM then failed to work. Ford needs to proof these updates. And quickly correct issues.
  13. Anyone else having issues with Sirius XM over the past few days?

    All the same symptoms here. Coincident with OTA 1.7.1. I do not think it is a SiriusXM issue. It is more likely caused by the Ford OTA’s that tinker with your truck overnight. It was supposed to fix CarPlay but ended up corrupting SiriusXM. So much for the free trial. And if these OTA’S continue...
