

  1. FORScan with Apple Silicon Mac, VMWare/Parallels, OBDLink MX+ & USB Bluetooth Dongle

    Finally had some time to test this out and I didn't see a guide for this so I figured I'd write one up. I was going to buy a cheap Windows laptop but I figured I should try with a Mac I already had before that. I won't go into details on the Windows install but you can Google/YouTube for that...
  2. Car scanner app works pretty good with CarPlay

    I’ve been using car scanner with CarPlay, would be nice if we could make our own custom screens with values we’d lIke to track.
  3. California Sold: Mongoose Plus Ford2

    Selling my Opus Mongoose Plus Ford2. Worked perfectly and was very useful, but I've sold my truck now! $420 shipped If this post isn't marked sold then it's still available...
  4. OBDLink CX Diagnostic Scanner Currently 33% Off on Amazon

    Had one of my wish list alerts go off, on sale for $54 USD instead of the regular $80. Figured I'd spread the word if anyone else had any interest in it. The MX+ is also 20% off if you need CAN, but I don't believe that model works natively with ABRP. Not affiliated in any way...
