The first thing I would check is wiring to the charging station, make sure it grounded correctly. you should be using 3 gauge or 2 gauge wire and it should be rated at specific temperature to prevent it from overheating since you drawing that amount of current. check the amount of power you have coming out of your breaker. Example if you have 230 watts coming out of a 200 watt circuit breaker the wires coming into your breaker may not be able to handle that load, I know it sounds simple but a lot people forget to consider that while they adding circuits to their breaker.I have had my Ford Charge Station Pro installed since last August and today I came out to find that my truck didn't charge last night and said I had a charger fault. I look at the FCPS and I have a single amber light on the right side. I look in the manual and it just says the station has a fault and troubleshooting is required. Thankfully I have another charger inside my garage to use. Does anyone else no what this actual light would mean at this point? I found some things online, but many of the things I saw were of system problems with the electrical or overheating on newly installed systems. My has been installed for 9 months now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.