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Nikola 369

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I’m not sure here, we’re talking about V2L, V2H, and V2G. These are all different, and I don’t claim to know everything about them. My understanding is V2L is a lower output and uses the onboard charger for battery. The V2H is for higher power loads and uses the DC pins on CCS1 to export power to an external inverter. The V2G system also uses the DC pins for high power output to external inverter and controlled by utility.
I may not have this correct, but this is my understanding. Maybe we are confusing some of these together?


Nikola 369

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In looking at several manufactures, both in the USA & Europe, they seem to want to sell you or include a device with vehicle for V2L. Most of the USA based vehicles do this by providing outlets in & on vehicle. The European way seems to be supply or sell a device that plugs into charging port to end in an outlet. The Koreans are following the Europeans in this regard. Look up the specs on a Kia EV6, doesn’t come with a charger but has a V2L device that plugs into the charging port.
if we want to make a world wide std for these three items. I would say V2L is designed to be self contained to the vehicle. This would work well for low power usage both local and in remote areas (think camping). V2H is higher power, but meant to not go further than the house, like a temporary generator for backup use. V2G is the highest power and really to help the grid during outages and extreme loads.
the requirements for each of these is slightly different and is why the are rolling out at different times. V2L most companies have had for nearly 20yrs. USA manufacturers have been doing this longer than the EV vehicles they are making longer. I had a 2009 Ford Flex ( built in Canada) that had several 120VAC outlets between all three rows of seats. The pickups have had several, similar options over the years. V2L just connects internal or external with devices for that vehicle. If a third party builds a universal, great helps the effort. V2H is kind of similar to that same idea. If it only goes to the house, what’s so specific about it? Communication to the hardware is about the main concern. Seems the power possible is another thought. The main idea here is people buy it to backup your house. That said, how much power is that? 30, 60, 100, 200amps? If you build a std spec that everyone follows, then this has to be answered and called out. Would you spend 15K for the equipment needed if you only want to cover your fridge, furnace, and some lights? I would’nt, I can do that with the V2L in the bed of my truck. I have this done now and spent less then $100.00 to do it and 3 hrs of my time. Why would the manufacturers spend money to design and build something that less than 1% want or will buy? These are the problems. In looking at V2H Ford partnered with SunRun/ Siemens for this. As SunRun started selling faster than expected HIS systems, they started supplying some smaller versions. The original idea was to be around 10KW, later they sent out smaller units, I think around 3.5 - 4.5KW. Not ideal and Chevy has taken a different idea all together. all of their vehicles that use the Ultium battery platform will work with GM V2H, but power depends on size of vehicle and vehicle platform. Which of these two systems Is better or cheaper? If you build a spec that is universal and forces everyone to conform to the same items too early, it will be the most expensive thing out there ( think NASA & Military ). I like the way it’s being done mostly, just wish was happening faster.

Nikola 369

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Pella, IA
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Well, I agree with part of this. Mostly what you’re asking for is filed under “Regulation”, and I’m not a fan. Regulation nearly 100% of the time increase cost and causes delays. If you have to follow a set spec, then you can’t look & work outside the box. This is how a lot of startup companies succeed, taking an idea, thinking outside the box and make it faster, better, and cheaper.
when making a point, I like to use the largest exaggeration I can find. What you’re asking for is regulation like NASA, what I’m suggesting will be faster and likely cheaper is SpaceX. If you were following all the regulation and not working outside the box, we would have reusable rockets. The government threw so many stumbling blocks at him to keep what they had…………He had to go to Russia and buy old rocks to start R & D work………… Now, they use him as it is much cheaper for every launch. I like the way it’s going, just wish it was faster and nooo, I don’t want the government involved.

