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  1. Northern New England DCFC thread

    I hadn't used the Littleton supercharger yet but it's one of the closest ones to me.
  2. Supercharger Avg Power

    @tommolog has verified that Ford rolled out an OTA in October that increased max fast charging rate. That certainly explains the recent change in fast charging I've been seeing.
  3. Apple Watch app *finally* updated!

    Watch 7 and 15 Plus. Watch App loading could definitely be faster but the phone app isnā€™t the speediest either so not really a big difference.
  4. Apple Watch app *finally* updated!

    Watch 7. I wouldnā€™t expect they would have different updates but possibly.
  5. Apple Watch app *finally* updated!

    Interesting. I keep mine updated and i use it somewhat regularly to start climate control. I just noticed the change today.
  6. Apple Watch app *finally* updated!

    I donā€™t know when this happened but it mustā€™ve been recently. It now shows a screen with SoC%, time until charged and *charge rate* (!). The second screen shows the climate and lock/unlock buttons. And a third screen showing location and button link to apple maps location view as well as the...
  7. IF you could do it all over... what would you buy?

    Even after two battery module failures I'd still take the Lightning. I admit I'm tempted by the R1T and CT but I think Ford will handle the customer service end of EV truck ownership better in the long run.
  8. Supercharger Avg Power

    Now I feel like we have to have a competition for the first verified 200kW charge rate. šŸ˜„
  9. Supercharger Avg Power

    I'm curious if we get an improved charge curve at some point. I don't recall anyone topping 175kW when I was following this closely. EDIT: This is from @tommolog original charign test report. He never saw over 170kW even when starting the charge at multiple different SoC. 40% and 50% had the...
  10. Supercharger Avg Power

    Do you record the peak charge rate?
  11. Supercharger Avg Power

    Ratings and reality are always different. I've never heard of anyone getting over 180kW on an EA charger with the Lightning. Early on there were many, many people reporting the 500A units were topping out around 165-170, maybe low 170s. I've seen it myself on several different stations over the...
  12. Supercharger Avg Power

    Is there something different about Superchargers? I've never seen over 167kW on any EA station and I've used many of the 350kW stations (350A and 500A). Why is the SC able to get to almost 190kW? Better cooling? More overhead on the amperage output? There has to be something different about it...
  13. Supercharger Avg Power

    I just hit a supercharger close to me to juice up a little before heading up to the ski hill. I pulled in at 40% and got to 60% in 10 minutes for an average of 174kW with peak rate at 188kW. That was by far the best charging session Iā€™ve had. It didnā€™t drop below 150 for the entire 10 minutes...
  14. Powertrain Malfunction / Reduction in power

    Wow, that's a lot of damage. That really sucks. I assume they can pull the truck computer and see what happened.
  15. Powertrain Malfunction/ Reduced Power

    I got the call to come pick up my truck. Finally.
  16. Powertrain Malfunction/ Reduced Power

    Nice turnaround. As of yesterday, the dealer is saying I'll get it back today. Monday would be 4 weeks since I brought it in.
  17. Powertrain Malfunction/ Reduced Power

    I'm holding out for a full battery replacement when they get the issues fully sorted out. Sounds like they aren't there yet since 2024s are still having issues. I'm willing to take the risk of holding until they do, or don't, decide on a full battery recall. Clearly, the failure rate on these...
  18. Powertrain Malfunction/ Reduced Power

    I would do it if there was another vehicle I wanted. But there isn't. Supposedly they'll finish today. They got the battery module in last week but didn't have the adhesive to reseal the battery compartment, or something along those lines.
  19. Powertrain Malfunction/ Reduced Power

    3 weeks without mine, now. 6 weeks, total, in the shop this year for battery replacement surgery. Not pleased.
  20. Using 240v For Brewing Beer

    lol this makes me want to break out my old electric brewing set up that I haven't used in years.
