Thank you!! I really can't wait for this truck! I'm addicted to #f150lightning on Twitter in the meantime. I'm living vicariously throughThis is your modules screen, it has a tear tag, your build is progressing
You're also in production as of 6/17
If you have not done so yet, please register your build details here
look at your sticker, see mine is 7593Hey guys..where do i get my "cusotmers order number" when using the website to access the build info..thanks
That worked....thank you...shows in production 6/20...I do have a tear tag and many pages of modules and the activate button in the app. I would think I am close. Hopefully the first/second week in July!!!!look at your sticker, see mine is 7593
I see you too could’t resist…….Me too, this was only possible in the past hour or so since I last checked the APP
Me too.same tear tag, I wonder what that means
Very bad influence!I told myself I wouldn’t do it, but I couldn’t help myself