
POLL: Does your spouse refuse to drive an EV?

Is your spouse anti having an EV as their primary driver?

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2023
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Central Texas
2024 Sierra EV Denali
I hate parking the Lightning too. My last F150 was a RWD but otherwise the same cab and bed length, and even compared to that the AWD turning radius is terrible. In my RWD I was able to 3 point turn into any parking spot with no issue, and no camera. Now after 6 months of driving, even with the cameras and 360 top-down view, I have trouble getting the angle right without taking 5 point turns.
Glad I'm not the only. When I had my F250 I assumed it was due to the larger size. Since then I've had both a RAM and GM half ton, both were much easier to park for some reason. I'm generally good at whipping in to a spot, but for whatever reason I've found myself in awkward positions when thinking I was going to be able to smoothly back in.



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Jul 26, 2022
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Tucson, AZ
2022 Lightning ER, 2025 XC90 Recharge
I hate parking the Lightning too. My last F150 was a RWD but otherwise the same cab and bed length, and even compared to that the AWD turning radius is terrible. In my RWD I was able to 3 point turn into any parking spot with no issue, and no camera. Now after 6 months of driving, even with the cameras and 360 top-down view, I have trouble getting the angle right without taking 5 point turns.
I'm 14 months in and still botch it half the time. My brother, who's been driving large trucks for 20+ years, laughs at me when I park. He was able to tell I would be crooked 2 seconds after starting my turn. I guess I have a few more years before it'll sink in.

For some context, this is my first pickup. Never driven anything bigger than the Honda Pilot prior to this.


Well-known member
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May 8, 2023
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2023 Lightning Pro w/ Tow Tech Package
My husband loves the idea of driving an EV, but not right now. He does construction/building maintenance stuff mainly. He drives around a lot, but in town short distances, and usually less than 30 miles a day. He loves the power and utility of my truck, but we are not anywhere near getting rid of his ICE F-150. Our girls do competitive gymnastics and the meets are usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours away, going through rural Indiana. My Pro simply cannot make it. There literally are not level 3 chargers along most of the routes we've taken this year, or even Telsa superchargers. This irks my husband to no end and he repeatedly tells me that I should not have bought my Lightning.

As a side note - he was also worried about me driving a big truck. I have the Tow Technology Package just for that reason. I drove my Dad downtown the other day, and had to parallel park in a small space. He was pretty impressed with how easily I was able to do it. I feel very comfortable parking in tight spaces. The last house we were working on had a little narrow carport that I could back into at a weird angle with no issues. So for those of you saying your spouses are uncomfortable driving something of this size - I say fear not! It does make my husband crazy when I turn the camera on to park in spaces at the grocery store, but hey, it works!!!

We also take his truck up to Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan once a year. I checked like a week ago out of curiosity, and it look like we could technically do it now, where we could not have two years ago. However, it would require multiple stops and add literally hours to the trip. Also, if one of the charges near the northern tip of Michigan is down, we could be seriously stranded and need a 3 hour tow to a charger... Throw in a couple of other road trip a year, and the infraustructure is just not there. He will easily convert if it becomes available.

Also, my best friend would love to drive an EV. She goes like 15 miles a day and is an environmentalist. However, on our last bi-annual trip to Chicago, we took her car for the first time. Previously we drove my Dodge Challenger, and we did take the Lightning on one trip. She was fine, but I was stressed out the entire trip worrying about charging. We did manage to make it home, but I had like 12 miles of range left, which was not for me... so I made her drive this time. AWD is necessary where we live, so the prices of EV's are a big deterrent for her as well.

