Like OP my wife flat out refuses to drive an EV or take the lightning on road trips. I owned a Rivian for 2 years before buying the lightning in January of this year. She's never driven either of them or so much as sat in the driver's seat. She's perfectly content keeping cars for a long time...
Seat covers fit the pro frames perfectly. I wouldn't be surprised if the pro, XLT, lariat seat frames are the same. Just different features, powered, cooled, speaker headrests, ect. And yes I kept the pro charge cover, throws people off.
I believe there is. I taped over the black trim pieces 1st with blue painters tape. Taking your time here will save you from over spray and having to remove paint from the trim later. I removed the trim piece in the center of the bumper, it just clips in, pull to remove. I then taped the plastic...
Not yet, I just purchased a new leather steering wheel off ebay. I want to do the rain sensing wipers but haven't really looked into it. Is it just a cheap part you have to add or Forscan only?
Thanks! The only thing I really wish I had was the bigger battery. We have a Bronco for road trips, but it would be nice to take the truck. Hopefully once I get the Tesla adaptor road trips will be much easier.
I did not remove, I used painters tape and plastic sheeting to cover the hood and tailgate.
Link to the plastic sheet
Dura-Gold 16' x 350' Roll of Pure...
It came out great, most people wouldn't notice it's not from the factory. I'm...
Thanks! It's pretty close, a bit darker. I got it off Etsy. I think another member posted about it. Here's the link. I did Matte Black with lightning Blue outline...