It will work whenever it is plugged in, charging or not. It will just attempt to pull the 9 kw from the evse. If you have a faster evse, the surplus will probably go towards charging the battery.This rocks. I will definitely try this. Thank you.
If I am reading it correctly, this will work when it is plugged in but not charging the HVB.
I am curious about your battery power? Do you remember where that 3.29 KW was going?
And may I ask how many miles you have on your truck? My SOH is at 98.5 at 15K.
Thanks again for a great tip.
When I took the screenshot I had my evse set to 30 amps, which equals roughly 6 kw. It was pulling an additional 3 kw from my battery to run the heater at the full 9 kw.
Hopefully this all makes sense.
I have about 26k miles on my truck.