
downhill without downshifting?


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Aug 26, 2024
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23 Pro ER
Let me give you my testing results, from tonight's drive, in various modes/1pd options, braking, and CRUISE:

A) 1pd is an additional 'Mode', on top of either the underlying NORMAL or SPORT Modes, BUT, in reality, it is a MODE ALL IT'S OWN: It is designed to bring the truck to a stop, when you come off the GO pedal.
This means that no matter the underlying mode, when 1pd is activated, IT WILL apply the MAXIMUM amount of REGEN, and will also IMMEDIATELY start braking.

: : the brake lights are the indication that 1pd IMMEDIATELY starts applying the brakes. It does NOT 'wait' until a certain point - it is immediate, as your brake lights will indicate.
: : the amount of REGEN that 1pd applies is the greatest amount of REGEN the truck can provide, no matter the speed. You will see this immediately when you come completely off the GO pedal. Whether 25mph, 45mph, or 65mph, the REGEN is the same in each case, and the braking to go with it. If you wish to 'customize' this amount of REGEN and braking, keep 'some' pressure on the GO pedal, or 'feather' the pedal, slowly, or as needed.

: : as above, the 'amount' of braking can be feathered by the amount of pressure you apply to the brake pedal. ANY amount activates the brakes, and the brake LIGHTS.
Yes, the 1pd mode 'might' apply a CONSISTENT and INCREASING amount of braking as the truck is coming to a slower speed, but the brakes are applied AT THE MOMENT 1pd is activated.
You will see this proven by your brake lights, anytime you come off the GO pedal while in 1pd mode.
You will NOT see brake lights when you come off the GO pedal when either NORMAL or SPORT mode, ALONE. No braking is activated since only REGEN is applied by these modes.

B) 1pd MODE could be a 'MODE' all it's own, but since you must choose a DRIVE MODE when you put the truck in gear, or allow the NORMAL mode to default as the Drive Mode, you have to then ADD the optional 1pd ACTIVATION to either of these modes. 1pd is NOT an option for the other modes.

C) Choosing to use 1pd mode, or not, is really only a choice of the driver.
It does NOT create a more efficient travel, overall, over the long term, because the braking that happens automatically every time you come off the GO pedal is also robbing the momentum already built up.
Applying the physical brakes while in only Normal or Sport mode aren't going to create any 'better' outcomes, either, overall, over the long term.
It's really only a personal preference.

-If you like a smooth, easy drive - use NORMAL.
Very little REGEN, but You'll need to apply braking often.
-If you like a smooth drive, but more use of the GO pedal - you SPORT.
Much greater REGEN, and You'll use the brake pedal a LOT less often.

-If you like an AUTOMATED slowing and braking almost ALWAYS - add 1pd to either of those.

-If you like a blending of SPORT and NORMAL, use TOW HAUL mode. It doesn't matter whether you are towing, or not, it's just a blend of those two modes - middle of the road REGEN.


Interestingly, when in CRUISE CONTROL, you are effectively telling the truck to manage ALL driving speed, braking, and REGEN, all on it's own.

Your DRIVE MODE does not matter while on CRUISE CONTROL. You are allowing the truck to control this.

Your 1pd choice does not matter while on CRUISE CONTROL. You are allowing the truck to decide when to REGEN(slow) or STOP, if traffic ahead dictates.

Now, if you apply the BRAKES yourself, while cruise is active, you are effectively turning OFF Cruise Control, and your underlying Drive Mode, or 1pd option, will dictate how the truck responds when you then come off the brake pedal, and until you reactive Cruise Control.

Not sure why you wrote this diatribe, this isn't what was being discussed. We are well aware of how 1pd works, how cruise works, etc. None of those were being discussed.

But again you are wrong.
First, the brake LIGHTS are controlled by the computer and come on whenever slowing at some rate regardless of regen or physical brakes.
Second, physical brakes are NOT applied in 1pd nor are they applied when the brake pedal is pushed. Physical brakes are applied when requesting to slow more than regen can provide. You have flipped flopped on this multiple times now.



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22 LIGHTNING PRO IcedBlueSilver 8/23/2022
incorrect: any vehicle applies the brake lights IMMEDIATELY when the brake pedal is applied - it matters NOT whether REGEN is being applied, or not, or whether it is an EV, or not.

I wrote this testing outcome because there are many owners who incorrectly 'assume' how the truck works - the ONLY WAY to know is to test the outcomes.
=Brake lights don't alluminate 'just because' the truck is 'slowing' to a certain speed, but ONLY because the brakes are being applied, period.
=CRUISE changes the nature of how many might assume the truck works, as no 'Drive Mode' controls that, only the truck, itself, does.
=1pd also does the same, as it allows the TRUCK to control the slowing and braking, not the Drive Mode.

you might 'assume' you know how these things work, but test yourself to see. Your brake lights don't lie. If you don't physically apply them, they don't come on. If Cruise or 1pd applies them, they do. REGEN itself does NOT apply the brakes, EVER.


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I don't think OP has come back to this thread, are you all sure you aren't just getting dragged along?


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2024
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23 Pro ER
Wow, you really have convoluted this thread on a thousand unrelated topics. But since you ALSO have how the brake lights work wrong and are telling folks incorrect info....so here we go.

First, we apparently have to set some terms

Regen - ANYTIME energy is flowing INTO the battery from the electric motors. Regen is when kinetic (and potential) energy is turned into electrical energy. This is usually the electric motors slowing the vehicle down, although it can also be maintaining the same speed on a downhill.

Physical Brakes - When the Brake pads engage the brake rotor. Not the pedal, that is the brake pedal, when I say physical brakes I mean the calipers pushing on the pads and pressing them into the rotors.

incorrect: any vehicle applies the brake lights IMMEDIATELY when the brake pedal is applied - it matters NOT whether REGEN is being applied, or not, or whether it is an EV, or not.
Nobody, absolutely nobody, said the brakes lights are not illuminated when the brake pedal is touched. If you thought that then you need to go back and read what was said again.

I wrote this testing outcome because there are many owners who incorrectly 'assume' how the truck works - the ONLY WAY to know is to test the outcomes.
I literally did exactly that.

=Brake lights don't alluminate 'just because' the truck is 'slowing' to a certain speed, but ONLY because the brakes are being applied, period.
Absolutely not correct. This is wrong. The EU has written into a law that the brake lights will illuminate anytime the vehicle slows at a rate greater than .13G. The US does not have that law but the Lightning is a global platform and still follows it. Consumer Reports did a test of all electric vehicles in their fleet, of which they have a lightning, and they specifically identified all vehicles that did not illuminate the brake lights when slowing, specifically when slowing using regen. The Lightning was NOT identified as failing to illuminate the brake lights when slowing on regen only.

The lightning absolutely will illuminate the brake lights even if the brake pedal is NOT pressed. The lightning WILL illuminate the brake lights if the physical brakes are NOT being used.

=CRUISE changes the nature of how many might assume the truck works, as no 'Drive Mode' controls that, only the truck, itself, does.
=1pd also does the same, as it allows the TRUCK to control the slowing and braking, not the Drive Mode.
This is incomprehensible. No point is made here.

However, guessing at what you are trying to say, cruise control will both speed up the truck and slow it down, mode is irrelevant. When cruise is engaged the truck will use regen to slow the vehicle.
I do not have a hill big enough to determine if the truck will use the physical brakes to maintain speed when exceeding the deceleration capabilities of regen.

you might 'assume' you know how these things work, but test yourself to see. Your brake lights don't lie. If you don't physically apply them, they don't come on. If Cruise or 1pd applies them, they do. REGEN itself does NOT apply the brakes, EVER.
I HAVE tested them. Right now, immediately, describe your test setup, what components, where, how, and observed results. I HAVE plugged in a monitor and wathed the brake line pressure, I HAVE watched the truck use REGEN to slow down. I HAVE observe that pushing on the BRAKE PEDAL does NOT apply the PHYSICAL BRAKES.

Again, this HAS BEEN TESTED. Consumer reports identified which vehicles in its fleet did NOT light the brake lights.
The Lightning is a global platform and the EU REQUIRES that the brake lights illuminate when slowing at a certain rate regardless of if the brake pedal is pushed, if the physical brakes are used, or if regen is used.

You seem to be making the argument that the brake lights coming on means the physical brakes are being used. There is NOT a 1 to 1, and only 1 to 1, correlation to the brake lights and the physical brakes (pads, calipers, rotors, etc). I have PROVEN that the lightning will slow down, using the brake pedal, without engaging the physical brakes. The brake light does NOT tell if the physical brakes are being used.

And for the love of god use the quote and reply button, one folks don't know who or what exactly you are responding to, and two is damn sure seems like you are trying to slip in a comment hoping nobody notices and you can have the "last word".

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