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That is super helpful. Thank you for helping me understand it better.The battery will live longest the closest it is to 50%. If you use 20% daily you should charge up to 60%, so it drains to 40%, charges back to 60%, etc. Or if you can charge at work plug in twice a day and go from 45-55% twice a day.
For most such a low number would be very limiting. You should charge up to a value that is as low as is comfortable. That could be 60%, or 80, 75, 95, etc.
In the end if your absolute goal is to maximize battery life charge up to as low of a number as works for you and then charge as often as you can, even if that's two or three times a day.
Again, for most that would be crazy. So we pick some number (mine is 85%) and i charge to that every night. Sometimes I only use 10% of the battery (so down to 75%), other days I'm down to 35%.
There is no magic number. Keep it as low as works for you and charge as often as you can. Just remember, this is the new "should I change my oil every 3,000 miles, or the recomended 5,000" the vast majority will never realize any difference in their lives, so don't stress over it.