Well-known member
Well, yeah, you CAN cause the mechanical brakes to engage. However the amount of braking you need to apply is FAR FAR above and beyond what Sport mode provides.Yes it does, but when you use the brake pedal, the truck decides how much and when the friction braking will be used. Much of this depends on how much pressure you apply and also what speed the vehicle is going (i.e. the blend for the pressure applied varies a bit with speed).
The vehicle will use as much regen as possible, but there is a point where friction must be used. At about 2 or so mph, it loses its effectiveness and must use friction. When the vehicle gives you a brake score of 100%, it means that all the regen that possibly could be used to stop was used. A score of less means that some friction braking was used that could have been done with regen if it weren't for pressing too hard on the brake pedal. Now, if you did so because the car in front of you suddenly hit the brakes, then the loss of regen is better than what would have happened if you hit them trying to get every last drop of regen ort of the stop.
Using one-pedal mode and keeping your foot off the brake pedal will give a score of 100% on every stop. I don't use Sport Mode, but my understanding is that it provides a similar benefit of regen.
In my observation, when using the brake pedal on the Lightning, I have a better chance of getting a 100% score than I do with my Focus Electric. On the FFE, you have to be extremely light on the brake pedal to get 100%. So many times I swear I was really light only to get a score of 96 to 99. The Lightning seems easier to get 100%.
So yes, you can cause the mechanical brakes to engage, but that is because you are trying to slow faster than any mode and any regen could provide otherwise. However my comment was only made since he said regen, and just trying to ensure that folks know that you don't get MORE regenerative braking in Sport, or a difference between that and applying the brake pedal.