Hopefully I am not to far behind. Order # 36614Order number 36000 shipped today
I'm only 92901 after yours...so any day now, so to speak.Just received mine. Order number 90013622. It's the Tesla one.
Thank you Ford.
when did you order?Received FedEx shipping notice for order number 30,1XX. Whew!
If I was given a Nickel for each time this thread was checked I could have purchased an A2Z adapter days ago.
This was probably just an oversight by Ford, for which I’m grateful. I was just about to order one figuring Ford will never have surplus to fill parts bin so I could order one.
The adapter I received this week was for my first Lightning. I traded it in a few months after I ordered the adapter. Lost tracking info like you did but customer service said I would still receive it. They were right.To my surprise when I got home last night, was a box “To Our Valued Customer”. In it, an adapter. All I can figure is that it was shipped based on my 2023 Lightning I sold in April 2024. Although I could never track the adapter status after I sold the truck because the VIN was no longer associated with me, I still received it. I have no idea what number I am/was.
My son and I both bought 2024 Lightnings end of October, and he didn’t get an adapter… yet, but I doubt he will. This was probably just an oversight by Ford, for which I’m grateful. I was just about to order one figuring Ford will never have surplus to fill parts bin so I could order one.
Daragh,I got my original NCAS adapter several months back but I’m one of those affected by the “do not use….replacement adapter will be issued” that Ford sent out a month or two back.
Not a single communication from Ford since so I called customer service about it and not unexpectedly was told not to use the adapter I currently have and that they have no timeline for when they expect replacement adapter to ship.
it’s getting very long in the tooth dealing with Ford incompetence with respect to their EV customer service and support.
Has anybody else who is expecting a replacement adapter received it or been given an expected ship date?
As a Tesla and a Lightning owner I believe that Tesla owners don’t know about Lightning needing the right end charger to limit blocking 2 stalls.Im wondering if Tesla drivers intentionally block the right end charger to prevent ford access.