
Can't buy a vehicle if it is going to strand me


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Feb 1, 2023
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Tundra. Tacoma, Model 3, Lariat Max Tow, lng range
Long time lurker with occasional questions and posts. Closer everyday to pulling the trigger on an EV truck. Found a '23 untitled dealer demo with 2k kms on it for a pretty good deal. Except it is 3000km from me on the other side of the country. Probably would have it shipped but am entertaining a road trip to get it. (with NACS adapter).

I have followed the high voltage battery issue that a not-small-number of users seem to have developed. I would be excited to be driving an EV with all the benefits and understand the downsides about range/charging/winter. My ultimate issue is this: I can't spend $$ on a new car that is going to run the risk of stranding me. While that is a theoretical risk with any car, I wouldn't be worried if I was going to pick up a Toyota highlander or a replacement honda Ridgeline, or any other ICE car. I do a fair number of road trips through the year, and this would be an excellent family vehicle. But if I end up stranded, in the middle of nowhere, a million miles from home, and have to get towed to a dealer and sit for weeks with parts and all the horror stories I've heard about this. And if it hasn't happened to you yet, a real and uncertain risk of it happening over the life of the battery, even if it is warrantied.

Lots of great stories on here of successful long distance road trips. I'm on a tight leash here, maritally and financially, to buy a reliable vehicle that we will enjoy. I would lose any credit in the marriage bank if we end up stranded roadside in Moose Jaw. (no offense to people from Moose Jaw, I'm sure it is lovely, just making a point).

Am I stupid to buy a Lightning if I am not willing to run the risk of this happening?
I absolutely adore my Lightning. I could have sold it immediately and made $10K+. So glad I didn't.. As you know prices for used Lightnings have fallen a great deal. As an investment, I'm probably under water, but I have no plans to sell. That may change a year or so after next gen versions are marketed.

When we recently went to our great dealership (never thought I'd say that😉), The superb Manager advised us b/c of the uncertainty around future prices and nex gen vehicles that we should consider leasing. By doing so he said we would preserve the option to purchase if we like the vehicle and valuation at the end of the lease. But if we didn't like the car or we felt the valuation was too high, we could walk away.

We'd never leased a vehicle, but we took the proceeds from the sale of our Tesla and used it to prepay the lease for our MachE.

