Well-known member
I hope it goes smoothly, because if the experience of many Bronco reservation holders repeats itself with Lightning, it may be the last reservation of yours and many people like you.I should hope the early orders report back here! This is my first new vehicle and my first reserved vehicle.
The reservation scheme is a shell game because your reservation is nothing but a sales lead to the dealership. As long as Ford is barred from selling trucks directly to consumers by the dealer cartel system, every single vehicle shipped to dealerships belongs to the dealer until they decide to sell it to you. Any special order or reservation is purely through the honor system. Some Bronco reservation holders found this out the hard way when 'their' trucks arrived at dealers to be sold to the highest bidder. To add insult to injury, at least one Bronco owner was sent a picture of 'his' truck on the assembly line with a cheerful congratulations by Ford a week after he told his dealership to go F themselves after being told that they would let him buy it at a $10,000ADM, this was after he got concerned because his 'friend' at the dealership stopped communicating with him around the time his vehicle was in shipping.Now, I don't know what to think. Maybe the dealers are clueless? Maybe Ford has a lot of wiggle room? Maybe most or all of my assumptions have been wrong about the "Reservation Process".
It's almost an advantage to be somewhere in the middle of the pack, because if your truck is among the very first; unless you have an incredibly honest dealership, it will almost certainly be sold for a huge markup to the person that wants to be first and is able and willing to pay for the benefit of cutting in line.* There is absolutely no legal recourse with Ford or the dealership and the only thing that can be done is writing a letter to your elected officials.
Ford made a huge disservice to their customers by electing to emulate Tesla, knowing full well that they couldn't honor reservations. Ford chose hype over substance and having a legal disclaimer which explains that your reservation doesn't actually reserve anything won't offer any consolation to those waiting for a truck for XX months, only to have the rug pulled out under them.
I hope everyone gets their trucks and aren't ambushed with ADMs when they do, a good start to find dealers who honor the reservation holders orders is to go on the Bronco forums and see which dealerships showed their asses and never order from them.
Another possibility is seeing what your individual state laws are and having an actual Option to Buy contract written up by a lawyer and have it signed by the appropriate agents of the dealership, normally they are done with real estate but with rising car prices and preposterous wait times with markups, perhaps it is time consumers protect themselves from surprises when they discover that in most cases dealer's Purchase Agreements are as worthless as the paper they're printed on. If everyone started doing this, it would force the dealer's hand to actually follow the reservation scheme.
*after your order is sold to another buyer, your order is considered to be filled and whatever deposits that you made will be refunded and you get to go all the way to the back of the line if you want to play the game again.