Production will ramp up in 2023. They've made less than 9000 Lightnings so far...I'd had a big question as to how long it'd take my number to come up when I'm something like #237 at my dealership, and the dealership is only reporting 2-4 allocations per year. Even if 80% of the line ahead of me cancels, that's still a 12-year wait at the current rate of allocations...
LMFTFYProduction will ramp up in 2023. They've SOLD less than 9000 Lightnings so far...
Thanks, delivered is what I meant, should have said delivered.LMFTFY
Sold 8760+
Built 16,260
They specify that RETAIL Pros are sold out, implying that FLEETS will be able to buy Pros at the new, higher price.It is very interesting that they explicitly call out the PRO as being sold out but not the XLT. If they know the PRO is sold out what's the point of raising it's price. It's like they're telling people "Stop thinking about and waiting for the PRO, it's just not going to happen!! Pro's just not into you!! "
That being said, is the XLT going to be available again in any quantity. Time will tell.
Sure it will - I'm just passing along what my dealer said. In each of 2022 and 2023, they expect 2-4 trucks. Will that number jump to 300 trucks in 2024? Maybe...but probably not.Production will ramp up in 2023. They've made less than 9000 Lightnings so far...