I looked at your recent posts, you mentioned a stalled / incomplete download of this in the main thread, sounds like you might be in the EAP and not know it, spam folders?????I applied for it but haven’t been notified I’m accepted.
TIPS to get past failed installs:
Checking the threads on here a lot of people got BC 1.4 before 2025. Is anyone else like me w/o? I went to Louisville for the new year hoping to get the update. Still
Also see here. Guy had same message and Javier gave some tips that worked:Battery was low. Stupid me I left it in accessory mode with power down timer disabled. Correct move would have been to leave car running as that should charge battery. I’m recharging the 12V battery with external charger for now.
Not sure if all the people that died using Tesla FSD would agree with you. Tesla's may be more advanced but a lot of their drivers think it's fool proof as Elon's marketing has lead them to believe. In my opinion, that makes it even more dangerous than having the much crappier bluecruise. Ford goes out of their way to state that you must pay attention at all times and be prepared to take control. If the user chooses to ignore those warnings, then I don't think Bluecruise is the actual problem.Agreed.
BlueCruise is horrendous IMO. It almost stuffed me into a guardrail once, and drifted into a backed up exit lane another time nearly sideswiping countless slower moving cars.
It’s especially comically bad if you’ve ever driven a Tesla that will drive you home and park itself in the exact spot in the driveway you prefer.
The rest of the Lightning truck is fantastic though.