Well-known member
I travel to Miami/fort lauderdale area constantly for my kids soccer. The superchargers there are much more highly utilized than anything I used traveling up and down 75 to travel to MI this summer. I think in the higher populated areas there are people that don’t home charge because they can’t, and instead rely on superchargers. This last weekend I got told off by a lady in a model X. First she thought I wasn’t allowed to be there, then asked “if I’m gonna be that guy” and take up two charger spots. The guy in cybertruck next to me said I was waiting fair and square and we have every right to use the superchargers. So it was cool that he had my back. But I definitely felt more anxious walking away from my truck to get some wawa. Especially after she told me to F off and F Michigan state (it was game day, so I was wearing some of my Spartans gear). Everyone else I’ve come across has been fairly nice, but some people are very entitled. I can’t wait until Tesla has longer cables, and other brands are not a rare sighting at superchargers.