I just bought mine last week and it doesn’t matter when you take the money you can take it at the point of sale. There will still be an adjustment made at tax time if there was an error or you don’t qualify for all of it it really doesn’t make a difference. It’s gonna be corrected either way you don’t get that money for free now if you take it nowthere will be a correction if there needs to be one so it really doesn’t matter you’re gonna get the same amount either way that’s what I was told by my accountant.I’m no tax attorney but if you’re not taking the point of sale credit then it just rolls into a tax credit and if you don’t have enough outstanding tax liabilities (tax owed) then you might not get all of the money. I got 0% for 72 on my lightning but even though it’s free money I chose to just take the POS money. I did not want any issues down the line. I do know for the way I did it no paperwork is required for me. In your case I would assume you need something. Especially with the new admin coming in I would make double sure that you are going to get the full $7500 back when you do your taxes otherwise might be safer and easier to just let the come off your loan now and just enjoy the lower payment. Either way good luck and congrats on the truck. I’ve had mine now for 4 months and you could not pry it out of my cold dead hands! I love it.