i plan to arrive at the next charger with a 10% SOC. i have however arrived with a 9% soc a few times but i like to have a little buffer in case there is a problem with the charger. I also try to keep my speed under 70 mph.
In an ICE how close would you call it to a gas station (even though they are all over the place!)? Most cars give you the yellow light at about 50 miles left. So at 2.0mpk do you want to be less than 26 miles from a charging station? Only if you are along I-90 or I-5!
My wife was heading to a friend's place with plenty of but then there was an accident and she had to take a terrible detour! I was watching as she navigated through the canyons and sheep farms in the dark of night and I think she did the last 5 miles sitting at 12%. Kind of like the post above where the Mach-E went 12 miles past 0%. You never know, better safe than sorry.
Can you push this 7,000# thing off to the shoulder if it stops?
This is a huge it depends, in theory if you are using ABRP with dongle it's constantly recalculating so it changes your charger destination based on live data on the truck kwh use due to wind/speed/temperature/etc. That said it depends where you are - if I'm driving through North Dakota with a Supercharger every 60 miles, then I don't run under 50% or if I'm in a city with 15 Super Charger Stations within 20 minutes 5% is just fine.
Generally though I don't like going under 8-10% as my gut says this is a bad idea for long term battery life - not the "oh crap I might have to walk" test. I've pushed it down to 0% however that was my call to sacrifice potentially some long term battery life that day for expediancy.
477 miles, averaged 1.9mi/kwh. Learned a lot about how the range estimates work and when i need to charge. Was also very happy with the Apple Maps integration. Overall great trip and now I’d be pretty confident taking the truck anyway.
On a related note, the new EA 350w hyper chargers are crazy awesome…
but, not with my Pro SR LIGHTNING, although, frankly, I'm so used to it's ~100kw battery pack, which makes for easy basic 'range' calculations... for example: 50% battery x 2mi/kwh = 100 miles. Easy.
I made the mistake when driving our other EV, the beautiful and comfortable KIA EV9 SUV...
it only has a ~75kw battery pack...
My brain kept using my Lightning's 'easy' calculation, and I wondered why I was not actually getting the overall 'range' in the EV9... UNTIL..... yes, my brain caught up with the facts - I was in ANOTHER vehicle !
so, even though the EV9 might get a much better 3mi/kwh..... at 50% batter SOC, it was NOT getting 150 miles...
it was 50% x 3 x 75% = 112 or so miles... not 150 miles like my 'brain' was assuming : / oh well.
now, back to the OP's concern, about 'range' from the GOM, or 'guess o meter'... I really hardly pay attention to that readout, as, we all know, is NOT realistic in many ways... it is simply for some basic 'guidance'...
we HAVE to use a KNOWN mi/kwh 'average', or at least one you are comfortable with, to maintain our sanity, and, frankly, the ACTUAL range... times the battery's SOC at that moment.
Terrain, winds, Speeds, and temps may change along the way, and we have to be mindful of that, as well.