Someone else mentioned the trucks in the middle of production the prior couple weeks stopped cold with updates but got word from a dealer that their truck was finished and even shipped out [hard to believe that the dealer isn't blowing smoke] but it's possible.
As far as last year, the data flow resumed and in lock step form as regards trucks scheduled for pending production START UP.
Trucks that were in post-production, got stuck in the holding lots waiting for minor parts missed in general production, etc, those took forever to moved to shipped and delivery, during this phase there were surprise out of the blue deliveries (after extensive delays and holds).
Over all, I anticipate we will start seeing data flow once the 2/6 trucks run the line today and pass QC, I am watching for Module Build Data (As-Built) for @EigenSolver & @ChrisC every few hours, hopefully we will confirm my speculation.
As far as last year, the data flow resumed and in lock step form as regards trucks scheduled for pending production START UP.
Trucks that were in post-production, got stuck in the holding lots waiting for minor parts missed in general production, etc, those took forever to moved to shipped and delivery, during this phase there were surprise out of the blue deliveries (after extensive delays and holds).
Over all, I anticipate we will start seeing data flow once the 2/6 trucks run the line today and pass QC, I am watching for Module Build Data (As-Built) for @EigenSolver & @ChrisC every few hours, hopefully we will confirm my speculation.